• September 9, 2018


    There is a really good nginx module doing this.

    The URL gets two parameters – Let’s call them s (security) and t (timestamp). Security is a secure hash generated from timestamp, path and a salt (in your case just add the ip).

    สร้างฟอร์ม ส่งค่ามาหน้านี้ ให้ส่งหน้านี้ส่งเข้าเมล

    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $salt = 'change me cause im not secure';
    $path = '/download/webapp.rar';
    $timestamp = time() + 3600; // one hour valid
    $hash = md5($salt . $ip . $timestamp . $path); // order isn't important at all... just do the same when verifying
    $url = "http://mysite.com{$path}?s={$hash}&t={$timestamp}"; // use this as DL url

    To verify:


    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $salt = 'change me cause im not secure';
    $path = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    $hashGiven = $_GET['s'];
    $timestamp = $_GET['t'];
    $hash = md5($salt . $ip . $timestamp . $path);
    if($hashGiven == $hash && $timestamp <= time()) {
        // serve file
    } else {
        die('link expired or invalid');

    Now you just need to rewrite the downloads to this “man in the middle”-script and you are done.

    Example rewrite for nginx:

    location /download {
        rewrite ^.*$ /download.php last;

    If you are not concerned about people being able to decoding some parameters such as IP or timestamp you could try something like this :

    $salt = 'SALTING'; // Hash cipher
    $key = new stdClass();
    $key->limit = time()+3600; // 1 hour limit
    $key->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $key->security = sha1(sha1($salt.serialize($key))); // Double sha1 for fun
    $key_param = base64_encode(serialize($key));
    echo sprintf('http://mysite.com/download/%s', $key_param);

    Now that’s for getting a unique key, valid 1 hour, for ip $key->ip.

    To verify it :

    $salt = 'SALTING';
    $key = $_GET['key'];
    $key = base64_decode($key);
    $key = unserialize($key);
    if($key->security != sha1(sha1($salt.serialize($key)) || $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != $key->ip) {
        throw new Exception('Security breach. U mad bro ?');

    And you’re done 🙂 No database involved. Just hashing and matching hashes afterwards.

    But I guess a simple $_SESSION[$file_id] = time()+3600; would do the trick in one line…Not as fun though.



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