Use wordpress’s in-built “featured image” (can be set on post’s editing page in wordpress admin).
On the page displaying the excerpts:
<div id="excerpts"> <?php $args = array( 'numberposts' => 3, 'category'=> '1,3,5' ); } // set number of excepts to show // and optionally restrict to certain categories $posts = get_posts($args); foreach($posts as $post) : setup_postdata($post); ?> <div class="single-excerpt"> <h3><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3> <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail()) the_post_thumbnail('excerpt-thumb'); ?> <!-- displays thumbnail if it exists --> <p><?php the_excerpt();?></p> </div><!-- single-excerpt --> <?php endforeach; ?> </div><!-- excerpts -->
In your theme’s functions.php:
if ( function_exists( 'add_image_size' ) ) add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' ); if ( function_exists( 'add_image_size' ) ) { add_image_size( 'excerpt-thumb', 0, 100, false ); // define excerpt-thumb size here // in the example: 100px wide, height adjusts automatically, no cropping } function new_excerpt_length($length) { return 42; // define length of excerpt in number of words } add_filter('excerpt_length', 'new_excerpt_length');